Category: WCJC News

Daubert Comes to Wisconsin

One of the most important pieces of legislation supported by the Wisconsin Civil Justice Council earlier this year was the adoption of the Daubert standards for the admission of expert opinion evidence, bringing Wisconsin in line with the entire federal system and a majority of states. A comprehensive understanding of decisions and trends from other jurisdictions will be critical for Wisconsin lawyers as the standards are implemented in Wisconsin. In an effort to educate the legal community on these important new standards, WCJC organized and hosted Daubert Comes to Wisconsin – A CLE Summit on Expert Opinion Evidence on January 11, 2012.

Materials from the Summit are available to download for educational purposes:

WCJC would like to thank the Wisconsin Defense Counsel (WDC), the Wisconsin Insurance Alliance (WIA), the Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA), the Wisconsin Association of Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), the Wisconsin Utilities Association (WUA), and the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA) for their support of the Daubert Comes to Wisconsin CLE Summit.