Opponents of Senate Bill 202 (2011 Wisconsin Act 219), which repeals punitive and compensatory damages under the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act, continue to make false claims that the law has taken away women’s right to equal pay and thus is part of an overall “war on women.”Most recently, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who will face Governor Scott Walker in the upcoming recall, issued an ad making the same false claim. WISC’s reporter, Jessica Arp, analyzed Mayor Barrett’s ad and labeled it “misleading.”
For the second time, PolitiFact (which is part of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) determined that the war on women argument is false. The latest PolitiFact false rating was given to former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Kathleen Falk, who said that the Republican Legislature passed a bill that doesn’t allow women to “do something about” pay discrimination.
PolitiFact also gave Rep. Cory Mason (D-Racine) a “mostly false” rating for saying that SB 202 “repeals a law that ensures men and women get equal pay.”
Apparently opponents of the law believe that if you say something enough times it eventually will come true.